The travails and thrills of being a singleton in my 30s. And probably a little whine to go with the cheese.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Timbre & Monty Python

Had a lovely day off on Monday. Didn't have the car so I took public transport to meet my friend in town for shopping and dinner. A (bitchy) observation that I made on the train and walking around on Orchard Road (main shopping stretch) - there was no eye candy at all; in fact they would not even come up to the average status. Maybe they were all home sleeping off their Christmas excesses...

In any case, met up with my best friend and we proceeded to window shop and look for post Christmas bargains. This is the perfect time to shop cos we will just be in time for Chinese New Year. :)

Eventually went over to Timbre for dinner and drinks, and to catch UBlues. They're a local band, but have kinda been disbanded, because one of the band members had to go back to Australia to retain his PR status. I do know them, so I thought I'd head down to say hi. And Singapore being the small place that it is, my brother actually knows one of the other band member.

It was great. P and I sat there, doing our usual "stoning" before the rest of the party came (Arlene, S, and Daniel). We were so bored, I ran over to Cheers to buy a pack of cards and we started playing Chor Dai Di. Switched to Gin Rummy and I got my ass kicked, cos I hadn't played in a while.

Anyway... the other local musicians started turning up and I reconnected with this guy who used to play at the bar and is currently living in Taiwan / Hong Kong doing music production. We went out for another drink after, and he invited me back to his to watch Monty Python. I'm thinking... woah. It's 2am, I don't think you're really inviting me back to watch DVDs. In any case, I said that we could watch it the next day (cos I am a Monty Python fan - blame it on my British education).

Next day looms, I go to work, nothing from this guy but at 11:30pm as I'm finishing my last set, he sends me an SMS to say he's been waiting for me... Because I'm such a sucker (and also cos I did say we would watch it the next day) I went over and caught 2 episodes. Made sure nothing happened, and drove home at 3am. *sigh* I gotta start exercising my NOs.

That's all that's exciting in my life at the moment. I'm waiting for my invite to the next party!!!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Hola! Sounds like you have been having some fun in your world. Glad to hear it. SOrry about the no eye candy. I was busy being in Toronto...

