The travails and thrills of being a singleton in my 30s. And probably a little whine to go with the cheese.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Partying and Work Makes Me A Tired Girl!!!

Let's see... I've been out practically every night since Wednesday.

Wednesday 21 Dec: Mambo @ Zouk
Crazy ass crowd - I guess it's the pre-Christmas insanity. We could hardly move, it was so packed. Wasn't up to much, so we bailed early after drinking a few rounds.

Friday 23 Dec: Thumper
As we walked inside to get a drink - we saw two guys starting to push each other around, with their friends holding them back. 2 seconds later, we watched in shock as one of the guys broke free and threw a punch right in the other guy's face. It was so crowded, there could have been a stampede. We were trying to get out of the way, but what does the crowd do? Stand there and watch. Idiots. Anyway, we made it into the VIP room, and got our drinks there.

The Crazy Horse dancers arrived shortly after, and it was hilarious watching the guys trying to chat them up. They were dancing on the poles and boy, can they move. I wanna be able to pole dance like that! It was amazing.

We met a new girl, Arlene, who's a complete laugh. We chatted to her at first just to hear the lovely Scottish accent (which we've missed). Amazingly, for a model, she actually has two nickels to rub between her ears, and we got on so well, we exchanged numbers and promised to hang out soon!

The night goes on, and a group of really crass girls walked in and sat at our table. We politely told them off and they moved over. One of them was this crazy ass girl who insisted on stripping her shorts and exchanging it with one of our friends. Nasty!!! (We really didn't need to see what underwear he was wearing *hyuk hyuk*).

A tray of Sex On The Beach appeared which we then proceeded to down. Thankfully I didn't have the car and so could do the drinks without having to watch my intake. All in all, it was a great night out!

Saturday 24 Dec: Work and House Party
Sadly, I had to stay and do Christmas Eve at work, getting pple into the mood, singing Christmas carols, etc. Stupidest thing was they wanted us to do a countdown to Christmas. That's practically unheard of!!! Was pretty tired and was going to go home to sleep, cos I had to work the next day, but Arlene talked me into going to a house party off Holland Road.

The party was filled with models and the usual party people who want to get into the model's pants. The guys had really hot bods, but after a while, you kinda get inured to it. Aside from the fact that they're really really young (from 18 to 22 I guess). Wonder if they possess any brains between their ears. I shouldn't be so catty, but they're so immature!!!

Had a few slimy guys try to chat me up and get it on with me. One proclaimed that he had yellow fever, as if I would go for him immediately! Another one tried to claim a snog, saying it's Christmas and all. Yeech. He didn't even have any mistletoe as a prop. If he were cute, I might think about it. But nah. Slimy.

Sunday 25 Dec: Work work and work
Yes... I had to work in the afternoon, singing for Christmas brunch at the hotel (which of course, pple didn't bother listening to, they were busy stuffing their faces!). Then again at night at the usual time. I was so tired from the night before. Honestly, I'm never doing it again in the afternoon, not unless they pay me shiteloads. Got my 2nd tip from a guest - another Jap this time and he gave us $100. Woo. The only consolation to a hard 2 days work. Couldn't hack any more partying, I went home and finally got some rest.

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