The travails and thrills of being a singleton in my 30s. And probably a little whine to go with the cheese.

Friday, September 30, 2005

The Meeting

Well... it finally happened. I met my ex today for the first time in ages, completely by accident. On a Friday night. At Ikea of all places. I looked like shit - in my jeans and ratty shirt, no makeup on either. ARGH.

Why couldn't I have met him when I was with Pastry or at least when I was looking slightly more glamorous?? ARGH.

It was meant to be a quick hit and run at Ikea, running an errand with my best friend (affectionately known as Rabbit). Which is why I didn't bother with my appearances. Who'd have thought that he would be there?!?! I spotted a mutual friend S, and he literally sprang up when I said "Hi". I think I must have had a shocked look on my face and inwardly went "Oh, NO!".

Considering that we hadn't spoken to each other in person or even on the phone since we broke up, it was pretty awkward. I left it to my best friend and S to keep the conversation going. Rabbit says he couldn't look me in the eye; in any case, he and S left quickly after. To think I was considering extending the olive branch, to try to be friends. Rabbit says, What for? He's been a complete bastard to you, so there's no point. Of course I feel differently, but I love her for saying it anyway. Makes me feel better about myself and the whole stupid situation.

Well, what's done is done. I'll try not to obsess too much about it. I've got a date with Pastry tomorrow. And I'm also helping out at the International Beer and Wine Fair - sampling wines during the day and they also promised me a free case of wine for helping out! Woo!!! Sounds like lots of fun - I'm looking forward to that already! No obsessing...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That stuff always seems to happen! Whenever I run into old boyfriends - it's always when I look like total crap. ARgh! I hate that! hehehe.

Nice Blog, by the way. :)